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User Agreement

Acceptance of service I, _____________ IQ certify that on 08.07.2021 have selected unique login information (user name/email and password) and possess full access to my account; that it is my duty not to share them with anyone else other than the Iqmining staff for the purpose of assisting me on the use of the cloud mining and trading service and that in the event of needing assistance accessing my account I will contact only iqmining.com and I will do so by email, chat or phone. I acknowledge that the Iqmining staff will be available to me on a timely manner and that my request for contact will be answered in the order of arrival. Furthermore I agree that I have received the services agreed upon from iqmining.com, for the purpose of cryptocurrency virtual mining on cloud machines and trading. The service is provided to me outside US territory and is considered to be provided to non US resident. I agree and acknowledge that despite the outcome, any mining undertaken using the Iqmining cloud mining service shall be considered as provision of the service, based on Service defininition in terms and conditions. The provision of the service shall be completed no later than 7 days after the card or any other account funding transaction is done. Should this not happen I shall contact Iqmining within 5 days after the expect delivery date via a written notification. I have read and accepted the actual User Agreement as listed on this website on this date. ( terms).

Date of signature: 08.07.2021________________________Signature